





Airport statistics

This page lists statistics of the airports in the default scenery of Flight Simulator X.

You may also find the article World's busiest airport and the traffic data on Airports Council International (click Data Center) interesting.

Airport elevation

Highest Airport reward
Top 5 Highest Airports reward
Lowest Airport reward
Highest Lowest
# Airport Elev. Airport Elev.
1 SPRF 14423 LLMZ -1266
2 VI66 13700 L06 -210
3 SPVI 13461 KCLR -182
4 SLCN 13320 LLEY -164
5 SLLP 13313 KBWC -128
6 SPNP 13123 KTRM -114
7 SLPO 12913 59CL -99
8 SPIY 12795 KSAS -85
9 SLCC 12592 OINJ -79
10 SPJL 12552 OINR -75

Heights in feet above sea level.


Longest Longest total2 Widest1 Largest1
# Airport Length Airport Length Airport Width Airport Area
1 KEDW3 39600 KEDW 267440 44CA 660 UWLW 5565576
2 AR51 23000 KDFW 78518 SRF 400 X68 4508400
3 Z14P 16568 KDEN 75993 CA60 400 KEDW 4502400
4 SBGP 16295 EHAM 63751 FL59 400 KBIF 4101462
5 UWLW 16179 AR51 62460 FL59 400 KDYS 4058100
6 FAUP 16108 LEMD 61673 KMUO 400 KAMA 4050600
7 KDEN 16011 KDTW 57675 SNSN 394 07MT 4050000
8 FVHA 15500 KORD 56646 LKMT 350 KRCA 4045800
9 FZAA 15279 KIAH 50415 UWLW 344 KMUO 4040000
10 FZAA 15278 CYYZ 50034 KNRS 340 KMIB 3953400

Shortest Narrowest Smallest Shortest water
# Airport Length Airport Width Airport Area Airport Length
1 YXFV 100 43CN 10 YXFV 5000 59II 800
2 0WN5 150 97LA 10 6CO4 7320 MN30 1000
3 31D 235 OK51 10 0WN5 7500 8AK4 1000
4 31D 275 4Z9 10 1ID9 8000 EXI 1000
5 OH41 280 94TE 10 4Z9 10000 LHD 1370
6 LA07 300 AK76 10 07VT 10520 0Z3 1400
7 LS93 300 A67 10 43CN 11000 1MU1 1480
8 67NY 325 6CO4 12 AK76 11000 83FD 1500
9 EGBE 328 82CL 12 60Z 11400 83FD 1500
10 AZ79 375 60Z 12 07VT 11900 MA12 1500

Shortest Runway reward
Top 5 Shortest Runways reward

Lengths in feet and areas in square feet. Water runways excluded except when explicitly stated.

1 Only hard surface (because some grass runways are extremely wide)
2 Longest total runway length of the airport
3 KEDW is only listed once though it has 9 runways larger than 15000 ft

Airport parking

Most parking
Most gates
# Airport No. Airport No.
2 KATL 241 KATL 203
3 LFPG 235 KJFK 188
217 LEMD 161
5 KMEM 211 KMIA 158
6 KOAK 210 EGLL 152
7 KMIA 202 KORD 145
8 KDTW 202 KDTW 142
9 LEMD 198 EDDF 139
10 CYYZ 194 KLAX 135


Steepest ILS Steepest VASI
# Airport Degree Airport Degree
1 LSZA 6.7 2W2 7.0
2 EGLC 5.5 LSZA 6.7
3 LFBV 5.5 ENSD 6.0
4.46 4V8
5 KFZY 4.35 38W 6.0
6 ENTC 4.0 O61 6.0
7 LSZB 4.0 81R 6.0
8 LFML 4.0 F24 6.0
9 LSZR 4.0 3M8 6.0
10 GMFO 3.95 02A 6.0


Largest mag-
netic variation
# Airport Degree
1 NZPG -144.5
2 NZIR -144.3
3 NZWD -143.4
4 0WA0
5 2C9 116.0
6 2WY2 105.0
7 DDJ 96.0
8 CYEU 91.0
9 4IL7 87.0
10 CJQ6 86.0

Airport density

Most Remote Airport reward
Most remote Most local
# Airport Dist. nearest airport Airports Dist. nearest airport
1 SCIP 1402 8Y4-MN24 0.005
2 FHAW 842 5NY7-NK07 0.021
3 NZSP 722 MN02-MY23 0.024
4 PCIS 643 3GA6-7GA9 0.027
5 RJAM 590 0A7-8NC9 0.032
6 TXKF 572 1IN3-3II9 0.035
7 NCPY 560 7LA9-LS77 0.075
8 YPCC 532 TS13-TS14 0.081
9 PWAK 517 28OK-8OK4 0.083
10 UHMM 478 2PA2-8PA7 0.101

Distances in nautical miles.


Southernmost Airport reward
Northernmost Airport reward
Shortest Runway reward